Individuals may seek treatment for a variety of reasons including work conflicts, relationship concerns, trauma and loss, depression, mood disorders and eating disorders.
Sometimes the loss of a loved one or a break up can trigger the need to talk to a professional.
Sometimes a trauma is reawakened and the time has come to address it.
You can make the choice to acknowledge you need help and get the support you need.

Marital therapy often takes place during an emotional impasse, when couples hit a wall.
Sessions will be tailored to each couple’s needs; sometimes including both partners, and sometimes one on one to address individual concerns.
Learning about the challenges and difficulties others face within a group can foster understanding and empathy within a safe and secure environment.

Laurie Sloane
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Verified by

Office address
211 West 56th Street, Apt 10K
NEW YORK, N.Y. 10019
75 Plandome Road, Floor 2
Manhasset, NY 110
Get in touch
Phone: (516) 697-7252
Email: [email protected]